Brave Sheffield teachers bungee jump to buy books

Teachers take on bungee jump to raise funds for new libraryTeachers take on bungee jump to raise funds for new library
Teachers take on bungee jump to raise funds for new library
Two Sheffield teachers will take on a bungee jump to help buy new books for Westfield School.

Miss Fitzpatrick, an English teacher at the school, and Mrs Hall, a science teacher, will jump at the Abyss at Magna in the new year, to help raise funds for a new school library.

The jump is one of a number of fundraising activities taking place at the school as part of Hallam FM and the Star's Schools Challenge '“ a competition launched between local schools to encourage them to get involved in creating the funding that is needed so badly. The school raising the most will receive an additional £5,000, and five runners-up will each receive £1,000 towards in-school projects.

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Miss Fitzpatrick said: 'I think everyone in the school community can see what a difference a new library would make, so we've all worked hard to do our bit and raise funds.

'I'm trying not to think too much about the jump itself. When the day comes, I think I'll just try and concentrate on all the new books it will buy.'

Mrs Hall added: 'I'm really excited about the jump '“ but nervous too! The students have been great at encouraging us, and their families have been really generous in their sponsorship '“ as have friends and family.

'It's not too late for anyone else to sponsor us too '“ just follow the links on our website'.

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Headteacher Joe Birkbeck said: 'We are extremely proud of our teachers going to such lengths to raise funds for the school.

'Although they have had to reassure me that it's very safe, as I keep worrying they will break a leg and then not be able to teach!

'It's been fantastic to see the whole school pulling together as we fundraise towards this goal. We've created a stunning 2019 calendar featuring student artwork and photos. Plus we had loads of donations from local businesses for our Christmas raffle.

'Recently we had a Friday FUNdraising day, with staff and students raising lots of money through all sorts of games and competitions.

'We want this new library to be a valuable resource for all our students '“ and all those due to join us from local feeder schools. It will be a real investment in their future.'