Steps to help anti social behaviour victims in Rotherham drive down repeat offences

Councillors concerned as public fears of ASB increaseCouncillors concerned as public fears of ASB increase
Councillors concerned as public fears of ASB increase
Numbers of people reporting repeated problems with anti social behaviour in Rotherham have more than halved in the space of a year – but despite that people still regard the nuisance as an increasing problem.

Rotherham Council has been working to reduce the impact of anti social behaviour and has outstripped its target for cutting the numbers who make repeated calls for help, which totalled 138 last year compared to 309 in the previous 12 months.

Coun Emma Hoddinot told the council’s ruling Cabinet: “Despite tackling repeated anti social behaviour, public perception of anti social behaviour is still high and going in the wrong direction.”

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More work is now planned in an attempt to tackle that misconception.

Performance on tackling hate crime has also decreased, but problems with recorded data has made statistics more difficult to interpret, councillors were told.

Coun Hoddinott said: “South Yorkshire Police have continued to have data problems and they have continued this year.

“For us, it is about understanding what is happening and how it can be improved. I think we have been frustrated by police and the lack of available data and the reliability of data,” she said.