These are the laws that many Brits don't even know they're breaking

Police in SheffieldPolice in Sheffield
Police in Sheffield
If you've ever been drunk in a pub or forgotten to pay for a 5p plastic bag, then you are part of the crime wave sweeping the country.

New research suggests that Britons commit, on average, 32 crimes a year - even if some of the crimes are pretty innocuous.

Beeping your horn at other car users and being drunk in a pub are just some of the laws that help contribute to the statistics without Brits even knowing.

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Few people are likely to be aware that vacuuming after 1pm on a weekend is agains tthe law as is 'borrowing' your neighbours Wi-Fi.

The survey of 2,000 adults was carried out by BT to mark the network premiere of Better Call Saul today.

Singing Happy Birthday in a restaurant is the law almost half of Brits admit to breaking, according to BT but 98 per cent of people consider themselves to be law abiding.

Two thirds of people polled think many of these laws are completely unnecessary but as many admit they feel guilty if they break them. However, 84 per cent of people say they are confused by what is and isn’t illegal.

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A third of people revealed they have been caught doing something illegal – with 36 per cent claiming they simply weren’t paying attention. More than one in 10 didn’t realise they were committing a crime.

Three in five respondents said it bothers them when they see others breaking the law – even if it’s something relatively small.

On average, UK adults spot people doing something they shouldn’t four times a day – although just 10 per cent would ever confront the offender.