The elite 20 includes fast-food outlets KFC and McDonald's, M&S and jeweller H Samuel.The elite 20 includes fast-food outlets KFC and McDonald's, M&S and jeweller H Samuel.
The elite 20 includes fast-food outlets KFC and McDonald's, M&S and jeweller H Samuel.

Meadowhall - Complete list of original stores in 'elite club' at Sheffield shopping centre since day one

Meadowhall has 280 shops and services - but just 21 have been there since the start 32 years ago.

The mega-mall opened on September 4, 1990 and is still going strong, attracting 30 million visitors a year. But only an elite group of shops have been there since the beginning.

We list them all here, with thanks to centre director Darren Pearce (who started in 1994).