Choose carefully

Tomorrow Sheffield votes on the In/Out referendum.

Do we continue with a western-style democracy that has served us well for 1,000 years, or do we permanently throw in our lot and be ruled from Brussels whose aim is a single state, called Europa to replace 28 sovereign nations (yes in the EU corridors of power it already has a name), that is a single Socialist Police state ruled by the EU Commissioners, those unelected unaccountable men who make laws in accordance with the Lisbon Treaty for the benefit of the state and not the people living in that state?

You are voting on whether to accept 500+ million people have the permanent right to move here.

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Voting on whether to have the euro thrust on us, thereby destroying the fifth most successful economy in the world, which pays your welfare and benefits, and reduces us to the level of Greece and Spain, and voting on letting the European Courts override our Supreme Court.

Sheffielders, ignore the blandishments of the “London Luvvies of media, TV and film.

Ignore the rhetoric from politicians who see their gravy train disappear if we vote “leave” and ignore the biased view of the BBC for whom impartiality and neutrality are dirty words.

Look instead for the elephant in the room.

We have one chance in this lifetime to decide how we want the future to be for ourselves and our families for generations to come.

There will never be another In/Out referendum. Choose carefully Sheffield before we have that choice imposed on us.

Mike Simpson

Worcester Rd, Sheffield, S10