Five Top Tips: A roast chicken is the gift that keeps on giving

A delicious Sunday treat with incredibly versatile leftovers!A delicious Sunday treat with incredibly versatile leftovers!
A delicious Sunday treat with incredibly versatile leftovers!
In line with our ethos of wanting to make good food the easy choice for everyone and to encourage the whole city to ‘Eat Smart’, here are this week’s five top tips for a healthier you, a healthier family, a healthier planet and even a healthier bank balance!

Try Cheaper Brands

Don’t believe the hype. Supermarkets say finest – (costliest?) – is best but you could save money by buying cheaper brands than you normally do. There’s not always much difference in taste between value and premium ranges. Give it a go and let your taste buds be the judge, not the shiny label.

Make the Most of your Roast!

A roast chicken is the gift that keeps on giving, a delicious Sunday treat with incredibly versatile leftovers! How about a hearty bowl of Chicken Soup? Not only can you use the bones to make a nourishing stock, but the leftover meat gets shredded up with a mix of pasta, aromatics and any veg you like!

Get Your Calcium

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Calcium helps to build bones and keep teeth healthy. It also regulates muscle contractions including your heartbeat, and makes sure blood clots normally. You should be able to get all the calcium you need from your diet. Good sources include dairy such as milk and cheese, and green leafy veg such as kale.

Check Your Cereal!

Many breakfast cereals are high in sugar. Try switching to lower-sugar ones or those with no added sugar such as porridge, wholewheat cereal biscuits (eg. Weetabix) or plain shredded wholegrain pillows (eg. Shredded Wheat). Doing so could cut out 70g of sugar (up to 22 sugar cubes) from your diet over the week!

Healthy Fats

Having unsaturated fat instead of saturated fat can help lower blood cholesterol to protect your heart. Foods like fish (especially oily fish such as mackerel, salmon and trout), unsalted nuts, seeds and yummy avocado are good sources of this ‘healthier’ fat.

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