The birth rate in different areas of Sheffield varies hugelyThe birth rate in different areas of Sheffield varies hugely
The birth rate in different areas of Sheffield varies hugely

Sheffield babies: The 15 neighbourhoods with the highest birth rates, including Parson Cross and Nether Edge

More than 5,700 babies were born across Sheffield in 2021, but the birth rate varies hugely across the city.

In one neighbourhood within the city, just 26 live births were recorded over the course of the year, data from the Office for National Statistics shows, while in another there were 237.

Across England and Wales in 2021, there were 624,828 live births, 320,122 of which were boys and 304,706 of which were girls. For the first time there were more babies born outside of marriages or civil partnerships (320,713) than within them (304,115).

The number of births nationally was up slightly from 2020, when it stood at 613,916, but was well down from the 723,913 babies born 10 years earlier in 2011.

Below are the 15 neighbourhoods, or Middle Super Output Areas (MSOAs), within Sheffield which had the most live births during 2021, the latest year for which figures are available.

For each birth, the mother’s usual place of residence is used as the location. MSOAs are meant to be similar in size and number of residents, but the population does vary between them, so the number of births cannot be used as a precise comparison of birth rates but it does give an indication.

The number of births nationally was up slightly from 2020, when it stood at 613,916, but was well down from the 723,913 babies born 10 years earlier in 2011.