Tonight's smile

I have been a reader of The Star long enough to remember a saying printed in The Star every night many years ago, '˜TONIGHT'S SMILE'.

I think the front page article on June 10, ‘Our hospitals are the best’ would qualify for that saying.

I doubt any one of the friends who have spoken to me about nine-hour waiting would agree, neither would another I know who, having had a fall in the street, went to the Northern General Hospital and after X-rays was told: “You have broken your shoulder, be very careful, we are closing now, come back next Tuesday.”

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The person said: “I am in a lot of pain, can I go to A&E?”

The reply to that was a definite “No, take painkillers.”

Obviously, the Northern General Hospital closes on Saturday for the day.

If, as The Star headline stated, “Our hospitals are the best”, heaven help the worst.

Like many of our professions today we have too many chiefs and not enough Indians.

Eileen Stennett
